libgnomeprint Build Log
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable intltool 2005-08-21 17:05:45.611
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable libart_lgpl 2005-08-21 17:05:45.612
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable glib 2005-08-21 17:05:45.612
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable gnome-common 2005-08-21 17:05:45.613
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable pango 2005-08-21 17:05:45.613
module libgnomeprint not built due to non buildable libgnomecups 2005-08-21 17:05:45.614
Failed 2005-08-21 17:05:45.615